Powerful Positioning on the Tower
Utilizes Unused or Wasted Tower Space
Independent or Ganged Rotation on Tower
- TIC Ring is More Efficient Than Traditional Rotors
- Compare the Leverage of a Screw Driver vs a Pipe Wrench
- TIC Ring is RingRotors not Antennas
- TIC Ring Does NOT Share Database
- TIC Ring; Around the Tower, or Above the Tower

Remembering Dad: C. Gustav Anderson (1886-1961).
Born in Sweden, he boarded a freighter at the age of 14 and spent eight difficult years on the seven seas; touching 26 countries by the age of 22 when he came to Staten Island and became a citizen of the United States. Dad never had an easy day in his life which never spilled over into his outgoing, encouraging personality. He became a true American! A most valuable character trait and lesson he passed on was: “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”.

Most models available in:
Hot Dip Galvanized
Stainless Steel
A Little History
In the early 1980’s, the concept for the Ring Rotor was invented by Gary Ellingson, and a few models were produced and sold under the brand name ‘Lil Slipper’ by Polar Research. Around 1985, all ownership and rights were transferred to TIC General. The generic product name became “Ringrotor”, and shortly thereafter the current popular name: “TIC Ring”, was added to the TIC General ringrotor. After 30 years, many of the original TIC Rings remain in operation.